Saturday, November 19, 2022

What is neurodiversity, neurotypicals, and neurodivergent?

I commonly hear about the terms neurodiversity, neurotypicals and neurodivergent used, but I wonder if many of us have the correct emotional literacy/language to explain what that is exactly.

What are the “neurotypical” ways of perceiving and processing data in the world, and what are the pros and cons with that?

What are the “neurodivergent” ways of perceiving and processing data in the world, and what are the pros and cons with that?

Without the clear understanding and consensus on ways to communicate that, we are simply going to have misunderstandings, disagreements, unresolved frustration and conflict with each other.

I commonly see these differences within many groups. In conflict, we often think it is the “facts” that we are debating over, but it may be our underlying differences in perceiving and processing those “facts” that are the source of our disagreements.

To reach true consensus, we may need to acknowledge, defuse, “zoom out”, hold space, and appreciate that for each other.

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