Thursday, October 21, 2021

Helping our patients to balance and integrate their introverted world with their extroverted world

I often see adults and children with “extreme introversion” or “extreme extroversion”. One much prefers to live “inside their heads”, while the other much prefers the outside world experiences.

Any “extremes” may cause issues through imbalances.

The introverted world is great for reflection, access to past memory and experiences, planning, and prediction of future events through inferences and past experiences. However if flawed or imbalanced, it can create a lot of emotional turmoil with sadness, regrets, hopelessness, fear or anxiety.

The extroverted world is great for experiencing the world in real time, to gather new information, and to create newer possibilities. However if flawed or imbalanced, it can create impulsivity, risk taking behaviors, distractibility, and excessive sensory seeking behaviors. 

Part of counseling is to help folks balance and better integrate their introverted world with their extroverted world.

Do we all need a “fine tune”?

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